Mirada Pública

It would seem obvious that a problem’s recurrence would allow people to prepare pertinent and accurate answers; nonetheless, the incidence of social mobilisations in Ecuador suggests either that the problem is unapproachable or that public policies have not analysed the circumstance thoroughly. It would be unwise to be content with labelling a problem as unsolvable, nor would it be fair to say that no attempt tried reasonable alternatives. In line with this premise, Mirada Pública proposes a two-entry approach: the first is theoretical and suggest the possibility —or risk— of Ecuador becoming a “failed state”; the second is a comparative, causal and detailed approach to the mobilisations.

Edición 2022

48 page; 15 x 21 cm.

Table of Contents


Two mobilisations, one state

October and June: The Failed State Theory
Patricio Haro Ayerve
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Failed state
4. Metrics and methodology to assess states fragility
5. October 2019 and June 2022
6. Conclusions
7. References

Ecuador, June 2022: Indigenous Upheaval / Outbreak and Dialogue
César Ulloa and Mauro Baquero
1. Abstract
2. The fatality of the institutional crisis
3. From October 2019 to June 2022
4. Other aspects to analyse
5. The Economy’s deconstruction before the outbreak
6. The absence of mayors and prefects
7. Civil society and mediation
8. Conclusions
9. References

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